September 2024
It is hard to believe that it is already September and I do hope that
you have all managed to find some time for rest and recuperation
during the summer months. You may or may not think it is important,
but we read several times in the bible that Jesus took himself away,
into a place of quietness to reflect and to pray. Not only did he take
himself away, but we are also told that on some occasions he took
with him those close to him, his disciples, those who would become
the leaders and teachers in the community. This is something, that
when the time is right, I feel will be an important part of our growth as
a benefice.
From September, we start a busy time in church life with Harvest
services, an All Souls service to enable us to remember those we have
lost and who might have had a funeral with us, Remembrance and
then before we know it, we will be into the busyness of Christmas.
For both Jill and I, September is going to be a month of turmoil whilst
building work is happening in the rectory. We are also going away for
a short break, for our time of refreshment in September, after what
has been a very busy year for us with our move to the island, setting
up a new home and meeting all of you.
Please continue to pray for Jill and I as we settle in, for the benefice as
we learn to live and worship together and for our new Anna
chaplains, Mandy and Heather.
God bless you all